Dear World,

The world college can either excite or scare someone. Eh, why fear when you can just laugh? Welcome to my College Life! I'm not a freshman anymore, but man do I have some silly stories and experiences that would bring the house down. Alright, fine... I'm kidding. For now... haha I still have some semesters left, hold your horses.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Official Senior

Oh. My. Goodness.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the good life of college and fun is coming to an end. Yes, perhaps the real world will have its fun times... perhaps not. Oops, that was negativity. Scratch that out.

If only I had learned the things I know now my freshman year of college... or even my freshman year of High School.

10 Thing I wish I knew
  1. There are some insane and crazy scholarships for EVERYONE! We are talking some silly scholarships that ask you to take a selfie in an odd place or write a sentence about how you will use the scholarship. Let's not forget the scholarships that are no-essay. (It is a random drawing). In other words, just apply for scholarships. If you are lazy, put on a movie or tv and apply while watching. It might take you a lot more time than just simply filling out applications but hey, whatever works.
  2. Create a budget. College will be so much nicer if you have some sort of budget. For example, a percentage of the loans for each: books, housing, food, play/fun, bills, car, etc.
  3. A tiny job is a beautiful thing. Check out to see if your campus has any little jobs or around the college town. Keep in mind: SIMPLE JOB! (If you have a car, start a taxi business).
  4. Make Amazon your BFFFFFF! (Also, there is a student thing they do)
  5. US Bank is good for student accounts! 
  6. It is better to save and pay for things than take loans out to pay for everything
  7. Get on a credit card with your parents. It builds your credit in a safer way.

Now the end is coming. The life of a sassy college student is ending. Okay, I am not literally dying. Close enough!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Oh Winter Semester So far

I wake up this morning and get ready for school. No big deal, right? WRONG! My phone has the wonderfulness of telling me the current temperature. -2.Yes, you read that correctly: -2!!!! How many layers can I wear so that I can still be able to put my arms down? That was a fun morning.

This semester has been a a slice of I-hate-homework-no-social-life-yay-for-12-hours-of-straight-homework cake or pie or even cheesecake. Are you getting the picture? disaster. I'm a car with an oil leak parked by a bonfire. But hey, it is almost over. (April is the month to end all disasterness)!

I have managed to do so much homework that I have used up all the spotify playlists that were "stay awake" titled. Wahoo!

I love the smell of a new semester. The first week: the gym is full, goals are made, no tears have started... the second week: the gym is empty, crying people eating ice cream, goals are thrown away, reality hits ya in the face like a door. :) Sounds like another semester in the College Life!

More post to come! I have realized that I have stories to tell the world! "Heeey, Dave, listen up Please!" :)

monkey out

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Heartbreaker.

We all know a person that has broken our heart. Maybe even shattered it. The good news is, there are things to fill the hole that they left.

Top 5 Things to Remember:
  1. You will always, always be loved.
  2. Families and friends (pets) are there to lend a hug, chocolate, or a drink. (don't go too crazy)
  3. Writing about it totally helps, even if its a hate letter. (just don't send it).
  4. Don't spend hours or moments rehearsing it in your mind.
  5. Get a good healthy distraction. (like running, or a hobby)
P.S. "Time is the best healer, or so, ... I've been told."

Enough of this negative talk! Time for good news. Let me think... I talked to an old friend today and I do have to say good friends you keep, great friends you glue yourself to. I have a few great friends. Life has thrown some curve balls as to friends leaving and stuff happening. It goes to show the difference between good and great. However, I have seen great friends actually walk out on me and not want any part of my life. It makes me feel really down. BUT! (who's butt?) I still have realized something: relationships and friendships end and it is okay because new ones begin. 

I'm the type of person that doesn't like to give up on people. I will always have hope until I am told by that person not to. When something doesn't work, I try again. I don't like to toss people out of my life unless it is insanely necessary. But, even after all the effort, if it doesn't work, I'll be okay... eventually. :)

Why am I telling the world this? Because tonight I took a risk. I told someone that I was attracted to them. Did it end with red roses and love? Not really. But I do have to say the pit in my stomach from stressing about telling them is finally gone. I want you to know that "no body said it was easy." This life, this adventurous insane roller-coaster, is all 110% completely worth it! I believe in the whole "one day we will look back at this and laugh." Or one day we will tell our story and it will strengthen others.

Peace to all and to all peace. haha that is really cheesy. 

And I'm out---

Thursday, October 30, 2014


HA! Yes, the whole world knows you are perfect and happy together! Congratulations. Now make way for the successful singles. hahaha

I ran into an old friend today from my very first semester and WOW! She is engaged. As I am very happy for her, she was a bit awkward with me when she noticed I'm not currently dating anyone. Then she mentioned how weird it is that everyone we know is married or engaged or even expecting. Oh I love love, but come on! When the time is right, then it is right. For RIGHT now, I am cruising through college.

I have reached the point in my life where all my friends around me are married and all my old friends, even from HS are married. Oh the people that are lucky in love. It is beautiful. Move aside. haha

The best thing yet is when I am on campus and I see a couple holding hands walking on the sidewalk. It is adorable. However, all I want to do is run and yell "Red Rover, Red Rover, Send Carmen Right Over!" Every. Single. Time. What do I do instead? Look away and say it in my mind. One of theses days I will run and send myself right over. haha