Dear World,

The world college can either excite or scare someone. Eh, why fear when you can just laugh? Welcome to my College Life! I'm not a freshman anymore, but man do I have some silly stories and experiences that would bring the house down. Alright, fine... I'm kidding. For now... haha I still have some semesters left, hold your horses.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


HA! Yes, the whole world knows you are perfect and happy together! Congratulations. Now make way for the successful singles. hahaha

I ran into an old friend today from my very first semester and WOW! She is engaged. As I am very happy for her, she was a bit awkward with me when she noticed I'm not currently dating anyone. Then she mentioned how weird it is that everyone we know is married or engaged or even expecting. Oh I love love, but come on! When the time is right, then it is right. For RIGHT now, I am cruising through college.

I have reached the point in my life where all my friends around me are married and all my old friends, even from HS are married. Oh the people that are lucky in love. It is beautiful. Move aside. haha

The best thing yet is when I am on campus and I see a couple holding hands walking on the sidewalk. It is adorable. However, all I want to do is run and yell "Red Rover, Red Rover, Send Carmen Right Over!" Every. Single. Time. What do I do instead? Look away and say it in my mind. One of theses days I will run and send myself right over. haha